Thursday, May 5, 2011

Today we celebrate Cinco de Mayo

Oh, Tequila how I love your warm embrace.   You ignite my nights and make me dizzy with glee.  You provide clarity to my thoughts and a channel to my soul.  With you I feel so mighty and strong.  Together we can conquer all.
I like how you catch me off guard, like a cat playing with yarn.  You are unknowing and mischievous;  I never know when you will catch me and toss me to the ground.   I like how you invade my mind and spirit.  I can sense your arrival; it’s hot and breathless.  Oh, Tequila, I think we can be friends forever.  With you by my side, stick and stones may break my bones, but I’ll never feel it.


  1. i hope you had the good stuff...patrone

  2. Today, we celebrate Friday. Let's go drink!

  3. it's too bad we live so far apart

  4. I'm afraid my tequila days have passed. But Sunny's right, if you're going to do it, Patron* is the way to go.

    *Also cures hiccups.**
    **Not recommended for teething babies. That would be burboun.
